Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Real Christmas Magic

When I was little
Christmas was grand!
The exitment was
Quite out of hand!

When I was little
The gifts were the best
It's what I lived for.
There was no time for rest.

When I was little
I couldn't wait
For Santa to come
It was just too great!

When I was little
Magic was everywhere
Fairies danced and flew
Some here and some there.

But now I'm not as little
As I used to be.
It's not as magical
As it used to seem.

But as I look around,
And think of Christ the Lord
There's a different kind of magic
I hadn't had before.

It's the kind of Christmas magic
That comes with loving smiles
That's in the gift of laughter
Or in singing songs worthwhile.

It's in serving one another
And giving gentle hugs
Or in sitting by the fire
With hot cocoa mugs.

The kind of Christmas Magic
That I'm feeling now
Is Love that can be felt
By ALL, if we allow.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Merry Christmas!!

I Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! 
I was wondering what are some of your guys favorite Christmas songs? 
I am trying to get into the Christmas spirit better, and what's better then some wonderful good Christmas music?!  :)
Post them in comments below! :)
 Thanks! :)


Wandering in a snowy storm
Looking around, for something warm.
Inside it's just the same as out.
Cold, dark, cloudy, doubt.

Isn't this the Christmas season?
Where's the joy? What's the reason?
Why does every face look stressed?
It seems just a hustling bustling mess!

As you shop the store, it's just chaos.
The look in ones eyes, just seems so lost.
As people rush and rush all around,
And it seems it's all just noisy sounds.

Isn't this the time for cheer?
Why do I, and all, appear,
So anxious, and so angry? Why?
What do we lack, the world and I?

I walk around, with heavy heart.
Not feeling, happy, not feeling smart.
But what's that I see before me?
Is that the seen of the nativity?

As I gaze into the statues eyes,
I look hard, and realize.
They have a special thing called LOVE
A special gift that's from above.

That love in their countenance, I could see.
It felt so pure, and it spread to me.
That baby lying in the hay,
Had something special in His ways.

That feeling called love, was the babe himself.
He needed not worldly glory or wealth,
All He he saw we needed, He has.
The nice peaceful feeling also known as:



Saturday, December 21, 2013

Secret Santa Service.

   Some little elf's came to our door-step Saturday night and left a little gift at our door. Those kind souls have no idea, but it was much needed and appreciated that night.
   Have you ever given some kind of service and just felt so good? I have tried to explain that feeling before but could not. It is so wonderful and so brightening, and when you do service you are filed with the love of Christ.
   Have you ever received some type of service, and just felt so good? You needed some lifting up that day, you needed a reminder that someone thought of you that day? And you can't explain the happiness pouring out of you? You are feeling the love of the Savior wrapped around you, telling you that its gonna be okay.

   This has happened so many times this week. The less-active Sister who my mom visit-teaches slipped her a envelope on her way out that had almost $200. All the tips we have been receiving from the paper route, not just a lot but bigger then usual. Another saint who left $60 dollar gift cards at our door, every little act of kindness, every time it is needed. Right when hope is lost there is another someone who lifts us back up, and gives us the faith to believe.
   Thank you, whoever is out there. I know that God is watching over us, He cares, and He sends His Angles. And next time I am prompted to go serve I will, without any hesitation.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

What Are The Answers?

What are the answers?
What are the keys?
What do I do?
To live righteously?

What are the answers?
What's the right way?
How do I know
The right things to say?

What are the answers?
What do I do?
When I'm feeling stressed,
Or rather blue?

What are the answers?
Where do I turn?
Where do I go?
So I can learn?

What are the answers?
To know how to give?
To know how to BE?
To know how to live?

What are the answers?
When will I know?
That one grand big answer
That tells where to go?

What IS the answer?
The answer to LIFE?
What's the one thing
To end all strife?

I want the answer all in one big:
So I can just practice, that one thing,
And know!

Then I think, and I think
Wait a sec! AH-HA!
The answers don't come,
In one big TADA!

They come little by little,
And line upon line,
Precept on precept,
For learning takes time.

What are the answers?
Maybe someday I'll know
All the answers to life,
But for now:

I'll learn what I can
For that is the answer
To learn all the rest!!!

<3 you guys!

Friday, December 13, 2013

December BOM reading Challenge

Hey Guys!!
Just wanted to know who is doing the BOM challenge. Is anybody doing it?

I started late, I started December 10th. And I am on page 110 now. In 2nd Nephi, Chapter 29.
But I AM going to make it ALL the way through before January 1st.

Just wanted to share some Ah-ha's I had.
Patterns I noticed ATON were in 1st Nephi, how it talks so much about the last days, The wars. And Satan's church, Who is in it, what happens. It goes in pretty good detail about it. And it helped me to understand more about what is going on in the days we are living in. :)
And a few verses that stood out to me are:

*2 Nephi 21:6 {Key-words; Lambs and Lions.}
* 2 Nephi 2:13 { I love this! It is so meaningful!! READ IT!}
* 2 Nephi  23:23-25 { Key-words; Joy.}

If you guys have anything else to add that you have enjoyed during your Scripture Study please add. :)

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Sorry, I have been posting a lot today :D. I want to read everyone's blogs! So if you have a blog and would like to share it with us, please post the link in the comments! Here are some of my blogs:

Random Poem Blog
Word Study
Love you all!

A Poem

Here is a poem I felt like sharing :)

When you don't know where your going,
When you don't know where to turn,
When you just can't remember,
What you need to learn,

When there's no one to help you,
When your feeling ignored,
When you wish you could get out,
When your just plain bored.

When your feeling stressed,
When your hair is a mess,
When everyone laughs,
When you feel like trash,

What do you do then?

When your in the deepest down-est dumps,
When all you feel is the grumps,
When you want to run away and hide,
When you've cried and cried and cried and cried,

When lots is going on,
And you can't stop to yawn,
When you faced trials and all,
They pushed you down, to fall,

When all that happened was stress,
And snares, tangles, and mess after mess.
When you feel like your stuck in the deepest mud,
And all that your getting is flood after flood,

When hope is gone,
And all seems wrong,
And your just done,
No more fun.

How can you have Joy?
Joy in the journey of life?
Well tell me how can you?
When there's nothing but strife.

Think about what Christ would do,
If He were in my shoes,
If he were going through hard times,
(which He was in His life sometimes)

He would just love, love, love, love,
That is what I'm thinking of,
And since there's a shortage in this world,
Of love and belief and trust unfurled.

That is what I'll do.

Deep Beauty

Hey Girls!
Here is the video I shared for my devotional a few weeks ago on true beauty. Enjoy!
You can also watch it here.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hey guys! I love this blog idea!!! And I love love LOVE the name!!!! "As Sister's in Zion" is my FAVORITE hymn!! Love y'all!!

Monday, December 9, 2013


Okay, so yesterday I read a couple of my favorite books, because, it was a pretty lazy day after church! And I rediscovered some of the reasons why I love these books! One of the funnier characters is Sir Hereward, who is a ghost. He thinks that he's really funny, and one of his jokes made me laugh for like 10 minutes straight!! No joke! (did you catch that?) :D Anyways, this is the DUMBEST joke, but yeah!

Sir Hereward (who is a ghost): Princess, what is the difference between an elephant and an orange?

Jenna (who is NOT a ghost): I don't know Sir Hereward, what is the difference between an elephant and an orange?

Sir Hereward: Well I won't send you to do my shopping! Ha-ha-ha!!

Jenna: *Courteous Laughter*

Anyways, that made me laugh! So yeah! My dad says I'm easily amused... :D
And here is another one, because in my family, we hunt. And I could totally see a certain one of my brothers doing this! (though I hope this doesn't happen) :D

Two hunters are out in the woods, when one of the, collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing, and his eyes are heavily glazed. The other guys whips out his phone and calls 911. He gasps, "My friend is dead! What can I do?!" The operator says, "Calm down. I can help. First let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence, then a gun shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says, "okay, now what?"

So yeah! There is a lovely post! :D :P
