Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Here is an email I wrote a while ago but it is a good reminder:

It is time. I have something to tell you, each of you. But before I say it I need to know you are going to believe me, are you ready to believe? Okay then, here it goes:

You are a daughter of God, and you are beautiful.

WAIT! Stop right there! I heard that and I know where you are going with this, right now you are telling yourself its not true. I know because I am a girl, and we all do it. But now is the time to stop and think of all the things we do and can do, here are some reasons why:

~I like when girls think about others before themselves,
-Nic Cloward

~When girls dress modestly, smile and don't flirt too much it helps me keep me standards high. Some things I admire about girls: Beauty, Virtue, Intelligence, Work ethic, Kindness, and Love.
-Isaiah Pack

~Dressing Modestly. This is SO important, I don't know how much girls realize how much this helps us.  Respecting yourselves. This is similar to modesty, but in a more general sense. When girls respect themselves it makes us want to be respected by them too. Recognizing our Priesthood. When you do so much as thank us for honoring that, it helps WAY more than you can imagine. Also, when girls check me and ask if something I did/said/plan on doing really is honoring that priesthood, it really helps!
-Jordan Housholder

~I know that for me, it's hard NOT to have low standards around the girls. There always so happy, and fun, and crazy! :D And a really good example on what we guys should be doing to everybody.

I admire everyone for there own thing, but overall, I admire them for being in tune with the gospel. I don't think I've seen a day were a girl hasn't pulled out her scriptures, or known when to quote a scripture. I think we (As guys) Could and should learn a lot from them.
-John Jensen

~The first thing I have to say, is the knights of medieval times, always had one girl they served (at least in the books) all of us homeschooled guys are quite lucky to have a number of beautiful girls to serve, help, laugh with, talk to, etc.

Second thing, SMILE, you all have beautiful smiles and they all boost our spirits, you do a great job already, keep it up.

Final thing for this topic. Continue to dress modestly, (now I know this is probably the most talked about thing concerning this topic) but seriously....High five to all you girls for dressing the way you do, it makes Vanguard and choir a far more comfortable environment because I don't have to worry about that kind of thing. As another thought, you are far more beautiful when you dress modestly, this includes spiritually.
-Adam Hall

We all have times in our life's where we feel doubt and like we aren't worth anything. But I know its not true, you know its not true, and these young men know its not true. Thank you for everything you do to help me and everyone else. You are all amazing examples to me, lets give these guys a reason to respect us. Remember who you are. You are a daughter of God which makes you a princess:

A princess is one who cares,
A princess is one who shares,
A princess is one who is neat,
A princess is one who is sweet.

A princess is full of Grace,
A princess brings beauty to any place,
A princess is one who comforts all,
A princesses help, you can forever call.

A princesses talents will never end,
A princess is, with everyone a friend.
A princess serves without complaint,
A princess has a righteous taste

A princess has self respect,
A princess deserves much more then neglect
A princess is modest in every way,
By her actions, her dress and what she'll say.

A princess who is modest in dress,
Deserves the very, very best,
So she will wait for the prince whose right,
Who treats her like a princess both day and night.

A prince should be all the things,
That his future princess needs.
He should be ready, clean and worthy,
To be sealed to her for all eternity.

I love you all!

Monday, January 12, 2015

You're Unusual!

Here is a little reminder for you beautiful girls that you are perfect in your own imperfect ways:
(P.S. Those who are doing the girls dance group: we will be dancing to this song!!)