Friday, February 28, 2014

I love you girls! Have a great day! =)

Dear me,
Why don't you make any sense?
Sometimes you couldn't be better, and sometimes it seems that better isn't even possible.
Sometimes you feel like you can fly, and sometimes you feel so heavy that you're sure your head is made of lead.
Sometimes you feel like you are just pure awesome, and sometimes you feel like the world has knocked you down so many times, there's no way you can get back on your feet.

Well, let me tell me something: its time to get up, get moving, and start serving!

Why do you care so much about what people think of you?
What's the big idea about perfection all the time?
Why do you put yourself down?
Why don't you quit lazying around worrying about you, and start looking at the people who need your help?

Don't you know why you're here?
You are here to bring souls to Christ.
If you REALLY want to be happy with who you are, then you need to lose yourself in the service of others!
Interesting isn't it? That the path to finding yourself is the one that leads you right into the lives of others?

You got to stop doubting yourself!
Impossible? I think not! All you have to do is TRUST.
Not easy you say? Well perfection comes with practice, and practice comes with patience, and patience comes with Trusting God.
So, just let the Lord guide you!

Of course you're going to stumble! Don't brood over it! The whole reason we're here is to learn, and you're going to by making mistakes.
But have no fear! For God is always near!

Yes, you're gonna fall, yes you're gonna make mistakes, and yes, you will embarrass yourself, and maybe even wish you never existed, BUT that is how you learn, and that's what makes life an ADVENTURE!

Stop worrying about all the bad that COULD come out of your mouth, and focus instead of all the good that WILL!

Life has its ups and downs, but the point is even though life's roller coaster can take you anywhere, you can be confident to let your light shine, because when you are living the gospel,
 you're light is Christ's light, and when you have Christ's light, you cant be stronger.
 So, please remember who you really are, and that when you live true to God, you can live true to yourself.
You can't have more power, strength, faith, love, hope, and perfection, then when you are with Christ.

 32 Yea, acome unto Christ, and be bperfected in him, and cdeny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and dlove God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be eperfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Friendship is great,
Friendship is grand,
Friendship is funny,
Friends understand,

Friends might be wild,
Friends might be fun,
Friends will remember,
Friends are as one,

Friends care,
Friends share,
Friends go,
Friends know.

Who are your friends?
Who do you trust,
Who do you hang out with?
Know, I must!

Its lots of fun,
To be with friends,
To understand what,
The message sends.

A secret code,
Nicknames and more,
Nothing with friends,
Is ever a bore.

Giggles and Wiggles,
Bubbles and tug-o-wars,
Texts and Chats late into the night,
Aren't best friends such a delight?